Its been a while since I typed anything useful but then again uptill now I didnt feel like I had some substantial progress to show. However Im glad to report that between a heavy workload of my final year at university and the harsh realities of real life, I've been secretly dedicating some time to this project and here is what has become of it:
From the preview you can tell that the diffuse textures are almost done. Normal Mapping is also quite far although not there yet. No specular maps made yet and thats because Im planning to have this beast in game before i start on them so I can tweak the specular in the engine.
Few changes to the workflow: I decided to scrap Zbrush due to limitations of the low-poly topology. Also made a few miscalculations with the uv layout, but hey you learn from your mistakes right?
So whats next? Well, aside from finishing off the normal maps which by my estimation should take no more than a day of work (whenever that day will come), I need to setup O2, which by my further estimation should take few weeks to install ... :S. Can't wait to drive her around.
PS. Oh yeah, I know the tracks are missing.