Friday, November 28, 2008

Shootin' with the PROJECT

Topas, a very talented texturer and action photographer took these pictures for me. One of them features a peek into Project '85. Oh btw, did I mention that the BMD will be featured there? We're pretty busy with all sorts of stuff but I have not forgotten this baby :).

The shots have been color corrected a bit. A bit on the progress: right now I have added the correct shadows and geometry lods. I have also fitted the AT3 rocket (missing form the shots as I still have some problems with it). Optimizing the resolution lods right now and getting ready to start on the interior. Oh yeh and got the dampers and all the other animations working ok.

Thats it for now!


Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I'm proud to release my texturing tutorial. This 'how-to' will explain my texturing workflow abit with some techniques I use. Durring the tutorial I will be making normal, color and specular map for a tank armor plate.

You can grab the file here. It is a PDF file of about 3MB.

Hope its usefull to somebody!



Thursday, November 6, 2008


Time for a little update :),

After a bit of pondering I decided that I really wasn't satisfied with the texturing that I did previously so I sat down to re-do it. And thanks to some tips here and there I think i got it better this time :). Besides the old textures were way too dark according to alot of people. So, here's the result:

Hope you people like what you see ( ignore the number alpha errors :)) Still loads to do as usual but getting the hang back of 02 including the blasted shadowLod.

Btw I am working on a comprehensive texturing tutorial which will cover all the techniques I used above like getting the specular and normal maps + setting up the basic rvmat. I would expect it to be done next weekend.
