Monday, August 18, 2008


I always wanted to return to game modding as I always beleived it was the purest form of CG art as it allows you to share your work on a completely different level then say just renders which I have spent the last two years being busy with. A couple of days this came to mind. I decided to make a series of addons for ArmA connected with the VDV (Russian Airborne troops). For now I will focus only on armour and then who knows maybe the air transports and support stuff. For the first batch I'm planning to make the BMD series: 1, 2,3 and 4 and some modifications like the BTRD.

At first I was thinking of keeping this quiet until release, however keeping a dev journal seemed like a much better idea as it allows people to follow the progress and allows me to share some of my techniques. I hope to share some tips and tricks along the way. Well for now have a look:

I have thought of this for quite some time and then 2 days ago finally decided to sit down and do something about it. So here it is: the beginning of the first chapter of ArmA VDV. The BMD-1. LOD 0 exterior model completed with the exception of tracks and wheel finalization which will be done in Oxygen. So far pretty happy with it. After all, after a year of only high-poly modeling it was quite challenging working on game content again with polys in mind.

Next up the unwrapping and then off to normal mapping on the menu. Hopefully I can take it over into ZBrush as that would make it a hell of a lot easier, however it is yet to be seen how it will handle smoothing. In eaither case, as this is a dev blog I will try to make sure I update it as soon as I have some developments.


The model was done using the simplest poly-modeling techniques, with some details added as splines and primitives. Basically alot of cutting/extruding. To make my life easier I first modeled one half of the body and then flipped the symetry to start modeling the details that make this one of the most interesting personel carrier.

Alot of details have been left for textures and normal maps but there were alot of things I wanted to represnt by geometry.

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